

Who We Are

  • TradƎEX is a premier platform designed to support and accelerate the growth of blockchain-based projects.
  • We connect innovative projects with early-stage investors, providing the necessary tools and resources to thrive in the competitive crypto landscape.

Our Mission

  • To empower blockchain startups by offering comprehensive support, from fundraising to marketing and beyond.
  • To create a secure, transparent, and user-friendly environment for investors to discover and invest in high-potential projects.

Market Overview

The Booming Crypto Industry

  • The global cryptocurrency market size is projected to reach $4.94 billion by 2030.
  • Increasing adoption of blockchain technology across various sectors.
  • Growing interest from institutional investors and mainstream companies.

Challenges in the Crypto Space

  • High entry barriers for new projects.
  • Lack of access to early-stage funding.
  • Navigating regulatory complexities.
  • Establishing trust and credibility with investors.

Our Solution

Comprehensive Launchpad Services

  1. Permissionless launch
    • Decentralized 100%
    • Anyone can launch their IEO(Initial ESDT Offering)
  2. Project Vetting and Due Diligence ~ Verified
    • Rigorous screening process to ensure only high-quality projects are verified.
    • Detailed assessments covering project viability, team credibility, and technical feasibility.
  3. Fundraising Assistance
    • Facilitation of Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs), Initial Exchange Offerings (IEOs)
    • Access to a diverse pool of global investors.
  4. Marketing and PR Support
    • Strategic marketing campaigns to build brand awareness and drive investor interest.
    • Partnerships with leading media outlets and influencers in the crypto space.
  5. Advisory and Mentorship
    • Guidance from industry experts on business strategy, technology, legal compliance, and more.
    • Mentorship programs to help founders navigate the complexities of building a successful blockchain project.
  6. Boosted Pools programme
    • Opportunity to open staking pools(NFT&ESDT).
    • Boosted staking pools share 10% of the Launchpad profits.
  7. Trading Window
    • Innovative concept designed for projects that have multiple fundraising stages and want to offer trading options before listing on exchanges.
    • Time and frequency can be set and trading is allowed only in the time frame set.

Features and Benefits

For Projects

  • Capital Raising: Streamlined process to secure funding from a global investor base.
  • Visibility: Increased exposure through our extensive network and marketing efforts.
  • Support: Comprehensive advisory and mentorship services to guide projects from ideation to execution.

For Investors

  • Exclusive Access: Early investment opportunities in vetted, high-potential projects.
  • Transparency: Clear and detailed information on each project to make informed investment decisions.
  • Security: Robust security measures to protect investments and personal data.

Our Process for Verified Projects

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Application and Screening
    • Projects submit applications via our discord.
    • Thorough vetting process to assess project potential and alignment with our criteria.
  2. Onboarding and Preparation
    • Selected projects receive onboarding support.
    • Preparation of marketing materials, whitepapers, and legal documentation.
  3. Launch and Promotion
    • Official launch on our platform.
    • Comprehensive marketing and PR campaigns to attract investors.
  4. Post-Launch Support
    • Ongoing advisory services to ensure continued growth and success.
    • Assistance with secondary market listing and community building.

Why Choose Us?

Unique Value Proposition

  • Proven Track Record: History of successful project launches.
  • Expert Team: Experienced professionals with deep industry knowledge and connections.
  • Holistic Approach: End-to-end support covering all aspects of project development and launch.

Join Us

Get Involved

  • Projects: Submit your application today and take the first step towards launching your blockchain project.
  • Investors: Sign up to gain early access to innovative projects and diversify your portfolio.

Contact Us

Thank You

  • Thank you for your time and interest.
  • Please don’t hesitate to contact the TradƎEX team for further information and opportunities.