✅Branded by MultiversX team
What is CPA Investment Division?
CPA Investment Division is a totally independent entity, born from TradƎE community with the sole scope and position to return profits to its investors. This Division is, practically, an Investment Fund, managed by an experienced management team, the most powerful research and projects sniping team, and will run as a DAO, always empowered in decisions by its investors.
We’ll always strive to keep everything as simple, transparent, and as secure as it can be.
“The stock market is a device for transferring money from the impatient to the patient.”
Warren Buffett
So is the crypto and NFT market, we say.
How the Investment Division works?
✅ Establishment of its own DAO vault – this way all the funds belong to investors (and they are controlled by them);
✅ Launch of an SFT collection – the simplest and most transparent way to prove the investment property in Web3;
✅ Communication – a Discord private channel will be created where investors can freely talk about the actions of the Investment Division;
✅ Research team – composed of 6 researchers, vetted by the Management team, will DYOR and propose projects to invest in;
✅ Projects – all proposed projects will be analyzed by the Management team; the most valuable ones will pass to vote;
✅ The DAO vote – the most important step! All investors will vote if a project is worth investing in;
✅ Profit – distributed after each investment reaches proposed maturity, as per a DAO vote;
Overview Tokenomics 💰
💎 Overall investment
There will be a total of 4000 SFTs, released in more batches, each batch is to be announced at least 1 week prior to its release;
💎 Initial investment
A first batch of 500 SFTs; 1 EGLD/SFT
💎 Next batch release TBA; price will increase by at least 50%
💎 Each new batch release distribution:
80% to the Investment Division vault;
10% to TradƎE development division;
10% to TradƎE treasury;
💎 Project Investment
Each investment will be capped at 25% of the Division vault
💎 Profit distribution – TEAM
We propose a commission-based profit distribution to the team, urging each team member to show their best effort. All team members will be paid out of profits, as follows:
2% to the team member who proposed the profitable project;
12% for the Research team (capped at 12% – max 6 members – 2%
for each member);
6% to the Management team;
2% for unexpected expenses;
💎 Profit distribution – INVESTORS
Depending on the performance time of the investment, by DAO vote investors can choose 10% to 30% of the profit to be distributed, to grow the Investment Division vault (and have the ability to invest more in future projects).
Why trust CPA Investment Division?
- Each investor can transparently check the vault’s status and how the funds are invested.
✅DAO Vote
- Each investment decision is taken by DAO Vote;
- Each % of profit distribution is taken by DAO vote.
- Multisig is in place to be sure the funds are properly managed and to enhance the security of the vault.
✅Experienced team
- Both management and research teams have proven-experience members, dedicated to maxing out investments.
- Founder of TradƎE, Ciprian has vast experience in both the stock market and crypto and NFT market
- Catalin Vasile, serial entrepreneur, and investor (both IRL and crypto), has great experience in M&A and investment funds.
- Petru is an entrepreneur with solid knowledge of the MultiversX ecosystem, both crypto and NFT.
Simple rules we’ll all follow
✅SFT ownership
- The profit will be distributed only for the SFTs in the investor’s wallet. Listed or borrowed SFTs will not count to the DAO vote or to the profit share.
✅Profit distribution
- A max of 30% of the profit will be distributed to investors each time a project is closed to desired terms.
- We are convinced that the more the value of our investment fund increases, the more the 30% of the distributed profit will mean in net worth.
- There will be no monthly rewards distribution as some would expect. All royalties resulting from secondary market sales will add up to the TradƎE treasury.
✅Research Team
- We truly believe that only the best will manage to reach this team. However, every 3 months, the management team will evaluate each member of the research team in order to ensure the best quality and involvement of the members.
- Every investor can propose a project with DYOR and benefits (we encourage this!) and the 2% from the profit will end up in their wallet.
✅Project Proposals
- In order to propose a project to invest in, one should either be a management/ research team member or an SFT owner (investor)
✅Management team
- We are fully dedicated to bringing value to our investors by proposing only the best projects to be voted in DAO.
✅DAO Vote
- All investments are decided by the DAO vote of investors. No one is above these investment decision votes.
- Always secured, always available to be checked, always in the power of the investors.
✅Research team
- Only proven experience and management team vetted people will join this “research task force” .
- Lowest risk for misplacing the funds, 3-way leadership multisig to take action as per DAO vote.
Distributed to every SFT owner, each time an investment is closed on profit, regardless of the time.